
Minister Girard to Increase Emphasis on SMEs
In the coming months, member for Saint-Maurice, Pierre Giguère, will make every effort to mobilize the business community in support of the government's plan to help small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), generate new synergies and create quality jobs.
"Our region has a large number of ‛successful’ and vibrant PMEs, including ICO Technologies, SIM, MSi3D, and many more. These companies are constantly seeking qualified workers and improving existing jobs. Let there be no misunderstanding: we can already be proud of our broad diversity of quality jobs in the riding of Saint-Maurice," said member Girard.
It is worth noting that over 70 percent of the new jobs come from PMEs. That is why, since the liberal government came to power, over $1.6 billion worth of economic measures intended for PMEs has been introduced.
These initiatives include lower rates of taxation (from 8% to 4%) for manufacturing businesses by April 1, 2015, deducted transportation cost for manufacturing SMBs in remote regions, increased availability of risk capital, support to energy efficiency measures through the green fund, as well as the introduction of the Créativité Québec program and the PerforME Strategy.
Other opportunities will also exist for businesses in the region through the expected spinoffs generated by the northern Plan and the introduction of the maritime strategy.
"We are particularly keen on PMEs because they account for more than 99% of Quebec businesses. Helping these companies stand out from the competition also means helping small companies in the riding of Saint-Maurice. With our plan to support local PMEs, we have the tools necessary to tap into our potential, which is largely driven by the vitality of our entrepreneurs and the know-how of our regional partners,” said Mr. Giguère.
A single window project to make entrepreneurs' lives easier
The purpose of the projet de guichet unique Entreprises Québec (a project involving the establishment of a one-stop service provider called Entreprises Québec) is to bring together government services in order to provide companies with efficient guidance. The progressive deployment of this tool is foreseen throughout 2015.
A permanent advisory board is actively working on reducing the regulatory burden on businesses, in a way that could free up entrepreneurs so that they can pursue their endeavours.
"The economic outlook for 2015 is positive. At the front-line level, the momentum is changing in our favour and economic confidence is on the rise."
"With our plan, our entrepreneurs have every reason to be confident about their future. In order to help them grow, I invite them to submit any project that could be promising for the entire Mauricie region," added Mr. Giguère.